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Advantages of Containerization Technology


In this tutorial, we will learn about the advantages of Containerization technology. Containerization technology offers a wide range of advantages to IT organizations.


Containerization is an OS-level virtualization technology where the kernel allows multiple containers to be run as isolated user-space instances. It is a process of running applications and software packages on containers.


Advantages of Containerization

Containers have changed the way software teams deploy applications. Containers are lightweight and fast compared to virtual machines. Containers offer many advantages when compared to virtual machines.

Docker Containers Vs Virtual Machines

Some of the advantages of containerization technology are as follows:



Containers can run on any operating system provided the container engine supports the underlying host OS. Containers can run on Windows, Linux, macOS, etc. Containers abstract and isolate software applications from the host OS by making applications run smoothly on any OS platform and cloud-native nodes.


Container applications can be easily deployed and scaled automatically using container orchestration tools to handle increasing container workloads.

High Productivity

Container application deployments are faster compared to standard traditional and virtualized deployments on VMs. Containers are isolated from the host operating system and system-level configurations. Developers can focus on application development without worrying about the underlying OS and system configurations.


The container runs as an isolated process. Containers ensure that every application runs independently and in a secure fashion.

Easy Management

App management, installation, and management of workload are easy with container orchestration tools.


Spinning/Cloning of containers is quick and can be done on demand automatically.


Containers support the high availability of applications. Containers support failover and allow applications to run continuously across a range of platforms and cloud services.

Containerization Software

Popular containerization software:

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