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Advantages of Flowcharts


There are many advantages of using flowcharts. A flowchart is a graphical representation or diagram of an algorithm.

Flowchart Advantages

Visual Tool

A flowchart can visually communicate the logic of the system in a better way. We can use the flowchart tool to communicate the algorithm to others.


Drawing a flowchart is simple with flowchart tools. It takes less time to develop the flowchart with Drag & Drop interface tools.

Problem Solving

Flowcharts are an effective program solving tools and analysis of the problem. If we understand the problem better, we can design the system better.

Program Design

Flowchart is an efficient tool to help with Program design. Complex algorithms can be broken down into multiple sub flowcharts. Each programmer can describe the code in separate flowcharts.


Most flowchart tools provide a debugger to debug the flowchart. We can run the flowchart in the debug mode, set breakpoints to find errors and analyze the variables used in the flowchart.

Steps to debug a Flowgorithm Flowchart

Code Generation

Some flowchart tools are also capable of generating code from the flowchart diagrams.

Free Flowchart Tools

Students, programmers, etc can leverage the free flowchart tools. There is no license costs associated with the tools. Example free flowchart tools are Flowgorithm, RAPTOR, etc.

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