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Automation Environment Setup Verification


It is important to ensure that adequate checks are made while setting up an automation environment at different points to make everything works at the end. Checks are basic verification steps to ensure the tool is installed successfully and would work as expected without any errors.

Let’s see at some basic checks that we can make during an automation environment setup using Java.


Verify that Java was installed successfully on your machine.

Launch command prompt and issue:

/> java –version



Try running a sample program with a simple class, to check the IDE  say Eclipse workings as expected.

 * Sample class to check Eclipse.

 * @author testingdocs

public class EclipseIDECheck {
      * @param args

     public static void main(String[] args) {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         System.out.println("Eclipse & Java Setup OK..");


Run the program as a Java application. You are expected to see the console output

Expected Output:

Eclipse & Java Setup OK..



The same rule of checking the version applies to maven tool as well.

/> mvn –version




Browse Selenium drivers :

Download Selenium browser drivers for Chrome, Firefox browsers etc.

Unzip the contents and place the drivers under the automation project folder.

Run a sample test using the drivers.


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