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Automation Testing Life Cycle


In this tutorial, we will learn various phases of the Automation Testing Life Cycle. The phases are as follows:

Automation Testing Life Cycle

Automation Tool Selection

In this phase, various automation tools are evaluated and the best industry-standard tools and frameworks are selected that best suit the project. For example:

Automation Planning & Design

In this phase, Automation engineers work closely with the Development and Manual testing teams to derive an Automation Test Strategy, scope, etc.


Automation Framework & Script Development

In this phase, the Automation framework and scripts are developed based on test scenarios provided and identified by the team. The framework codebase is reviewed and pushed to the code repository. The automation team collaborates efforts to maximize test coverage of the product.


Automation Scripts Review

In this phase, the automation team will review the automation scripts. Scripts would undergo a certification process and then checked into the automation repository. The reviewed scripts would be merged and then on the CI server like Jenkins.

Script Execution

Scripts executed by the automation engineers in the IDE tools. (Integrated Development Environment). Uncertified automation scripts are run to test the framework, test reporting formats, false negatives/positives, etc.

CI Integration

Certified automation scripts are integrated with the master branch. Scripts are maintained and reviewed to conform with the application code changes. Automation scripts are integrated and run in CI (Continuous Integration) server pipeline after every certified application builds.

Automation Reports

Test execution automation reports will be generated for each Test run. Reports for each Test Run would be maintained in the Jenkins CI server. Valid failures are logged and tracked in the Defect/Bug tracking system.

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