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C Arithmetic Operators


In this tutorial, we will learn about different C Arithmetic Operators
with some examples.

C Arithmetic Operators


Arithmetic Operation Arithmetic Operator Description Examples
Addition + The addition operator adds the two operands sum = a + b
Subtraction Subtracts the second operand from the first operand diff = a – b
Multiplication * The multiplication operator multiplies the two operands product = a * b
Division / The division operator divides the numerator by the denominator div = a/b
Modulus % Computes the remainder of the integer division rem= a%b


The general form of the C arithmetic expression is as follows:

<variable_to_store> = operand1 arthOperator operand2 ;

For example, to add two numbers and store the value of the arithmetic
expression to a variable sum:

sum = 10 + 5 ;

To add two variables:

sum = number1 + number2 ;

where sum, number1, and number2 are variables.

Sample C Program


* C Arithmetic Operators
* Filename: arithmetic.c
* C Arithmetic Operators Demo
* program.
* C Tutorials -

int main()
    //Declare two variables
    int a=22,b=5;
    int sum,difference,product,rem;
    double div;

    sum = a + b; // addition
    difference = a - b; // subtraction
    product = a*b; // product
    div = a/b; // divide
    rem = a%b;  // get remainder
    // Print Statements
    printf ("Sum = %d \n", sum);
    printf ("Difference = %d \n", difference);

    printf ("Product = %d \n", product);
    printf ("Division = %lf \n", div);
    printf ("Modulus =  %d \n", rem);

    printf ("\nC Tutorials -\n");
    return 0;
} // end main

Program Output

Sum = 27
Difference = 17
Product = 110
Division = 4.000000
Modulus = 2

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