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C Comments


In this tutorial, we will learn about C Comments. It is a good programming practice to add comments to the code so that others can understand the code and logic.

The C compiler ignores the comments in the code when it translates the C program into executable machine code.

C Comments

C language uses three types of comments. They are as follows:

Line comment

The line comment is also known as a single-line comment. The single-line comment uses two slashes to identify it as a line comment. The end of the line automatically ends the line comment.

The programmer usually uses single-line comments to write short descriptive text in the program code.

Single line comment example:

Block comment

The block comment is also known as a multi-line comment.  The multi-line comment uses opening and closing comment tokens. A token is a combination of one or more symbols with a special meaning understood by the C compiler.

The multi-line comment starts with a /* and ends with a */ token. The compiler ignores all the comment text between the /* and */ comment symbols.

A block comment can span several lines. The programmer usually uses multi-line comments when the comment text contains several lines.

Multi-line comment example:


Document Comment

This comment is mostly used at the top of the C program. The document comment is used to add program attributes, program documentation, license information, etc.

The document comment starts with a /* * and ends with a */ token. The compiler ignores all the comment text between the /**  and */ comment symbols.

Document comment example:

Notice that the IDE highlights the comment text with a different color.

C Program

Sample C demo program with the comments.

* Program Description:
*   C Comments Demo
* Filename  : commentsDemo.c
* Author    : TestingDocs
* Date      : 07/08/2017
* C Tutorials -
int main()
    /* C Variable Declaration
    Initialization Demo Program
    C Tutorials -
    int number = 20; // declare number
    double interestRate = 0.15;// declare interest rate

    printf("Number = %s \n",number); // print number
    printf("Interest Rate = %lf \n",interestRate);

    return 0;
} // end main

That’s it.

C Tutorials

C Tutorials on this website can be found at:

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