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C++ Increment Operator


In this tutorial, we will learn about the C++ Increment operator with examples.

Increment Operator

The increment operator in C++ is denoted as a ++ operator symbol. We can apply the operator before or after the variable.

Pre-increment operator

A pre-increment operator is used to increment the value of the variable before using and evaluating the expression.

//Declare integer variable number
cout << “—— Pre-Increment ——-” << endl;
int number = 10;
cout << “@Before number is = ” << number << endl;
int resultExpr = ++number;
cout << “resultExpr is = ” << resultExpr << endl;
cout << “@After number is = ” << number << endl;

The value of the variable is first incremented and then used in the expression.


—— Pre-Increment ——-
@Before number is = 10
resultExpr is = 11
@After number is = 11

Post-increment operator

A post-increment operator is used to increment the value of the variable after evaluating the expression.

//Declare integer variable number
cout << “—— Post-Increment ——-” << endl;
int number = 10;
cout << “@Before number is = ” << number << endl;
int resultExpr = number++;
cout << “resultExpr is = ” << resultExpr << endl;
cout << “@After number is = ” << number << endl;

The value of the variable is first used and then the variable is incremented.


—— Post-Increment ——-
@Before number is = 10
resultExpr is = 10
@After number is = 11

That’s it.

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