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C Program to get and display a number


In this tutorial, we will practice C Program. A C program to get and display a number to the user. The program will prompt the user to enter
a number ( for example the user’s age ). The program will store the number into a variable and will print the entered age onto the screen.

C Program


* Program Description:
* C Program to Get and Display a Number
* Filename: display.c
* C Tutorials -

int main()
    // declare int variable
    int age;

    printf("Please enter your age ::");
    printf("Your age is %d years.\n",age);
    return 0;
} // end main

Sample Output

Please enter your age :: 27
Your age is 27 years.

Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 12.541 s
Press any key to continue.


The printf() statement prompts the user to enter the number i.e the age

The scanf() statement accepts the input from the standard input device(the keyboard). %d is the format specifier that denotes that the integer data type( int) is expected as the input. The %d in the printf() statement substitutes the value of the integer variable and displays the formatted output.

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