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ChatGPT Built-in Plugins


ChatGPT built-in plugins add additional capabilities or features to the ChatGPT model. Plugins can be integrated with the model to extend its functionalities.

ChatGPT Built-in Plugins

Plugins are specialized tools that allow ChatGPT to perform tasks beyond plain text generation. These tasks include browsing the internet, generating images, running Python code, etc.

Some things to remember before enabling or installing plugins:

Enable Plugin Feature

Follow the below steps to enable the plugin feature in the model.

Settings & Beta >> Beta features >> Plugins

Toggle the Plugins feature to enable the model to use your install plugins. Alternatively, you can prompt ChatGPT to enable the plugins feature for your session.

ChatGPT Plugin Examples

Plugins can be either built-in or third-party. Third-party plugins are installed and accessed using the plugin store.

Some examples of the plugins are as follows:

Browser Plugin

This plugin can use the browser to search for information and check the latest news.
It is useful to search for the most recent articles, updates on current events, breaking news, etc.

DALL-E Plugin

This plugin is useful for image generation. Describe a scene or object and the model
can generate a unique image based on that description using DALL-E.

Python Plugin

This plugin can be used for data analysis, creating visualizations from data, scraping a webpage, and for Python coding examples.

The above plugins are integrated into the ChatGPT interface and can be used directly during the conversation.

Install the ChatGPT plugin using the plugin store

ChatGPT Tutorials

ChatGPT tutorials on this website:

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