Database Control Language (DCL)
Database Control Language (DCL) is a subset of SQL (Structured Query Language), the standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases. Some examples of relational databases are MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.
Database Control Language
DCL statements are used for database administration. DCL includes commands for defining and controlling access permissions to database objects, such as tables, views, and stored procedures.
The most common DCL statements are:
The GRANT command gives specific privileges or permissions to users or roles. Privileges might include selecting, inserting, updating, deleting, or executing certain operations on the database objects.
For example:
GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON employee TO user1;
This statement grants the SELECT and INSERT privileges on the “employee” table to the user named “user1”.
The REVOKE command is used to take away previously granted privileges. It removes specific privileges from users or roles. For example:
REVOKE INSERT ON employee FROM user1;
This statement revokes the INSERT privilege on the “employee” table from the user named “user1”.
DCL statements are essential for data security and access control within a database system.