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Different Selenium Grid Modes in Selenium 4.0


The new Selenium 4.0 Server contains several modes to run the server. In this tutorial, we will learn the different Selenium Grid Modes in Selenium 4.0.

Selenium Grid Modes

The different modes in Selenium Grid are as follows:

Hub and Nodes

This is the classic Hub and Nodes configuration available in Selenium 3.0. To know more on this mode:


This is the easiest mode to spin a Selenium Grid. The server automatically picks up the drivers from the System PATH. All the RemoteWebDriver instances should point to the default grid URL.

To know the path on the machine:


$ echo $PATH


\> echo %PATH%

Change directory to the jar location. Run the following command to spin a Selenium grid in standalone mode:

\> java -jar selenium<version>.jar standalone

Distributed Mode

This is new mode introduced in Selenium 4 version. There are several grid components that needs to be started separately in this mode unlike in the standalone mode.

To know more about this mode:

Docker Images

We can delegate Docker container instances as Nodes to Selenium Grid in this mode. To learn more about using Docker images with Selenium Grid follow the link:

Selenium Tutorials

Selenium WebDriver Tutorials on this website can be found at:

For more details on the Selenium, visit the official website at:

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