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Flowgorithm Conditional Breakpoint

Flowgorithm Conditional Breakpoint

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Flowgorithm Conditional Breakpoint statement. This statement is used to debug the Flowgorithm flowchart.

Earlier, the Breakpoint symbol would always pause the flowchart execution. The Flowgorithm 3.0 version supports conditional Breakpoint.

Conditional Breakpoint

We can use the Breakpoint statement to pause the flowchart execution temporarily. Now, we can specify the condition in the Breakpoint statement. The program will pause only when the condition is True.

The steps to add the Breakpoint symbol are as follows:







In this example, the flowchart execution will pause when the loop counter variable is even. The Breakpoint symbol displays the break condition next to the symbol in the flowchart.

Notice that the condition (i%2 ==0)  is displayed next to the Breakpoint symbol in the flowchart.


Notice that the flowchart execution stops when the loop counter is even in the Output Console window. The main purpose is that we can analyze the program and find problems in the flowchart. The Variable Watch window displays the program variables and the snapshot of the program state. The Step function executes the next step in the flowchart.

Flowgorithm Tutorials

Flowgorithm flowchart tutorials on this website:

Official Website:

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