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Flowgorithm Edit Options


Let’s examine the Flowgorithm flowchart Edit options. These options allow us to perform operations similar to those in the text on the flowchart symbols. They are located in the Edit Menu, and each operation has a keyboard shortcut.


Edit Menu Options

The Edit menu has the following options. The keyboard shortcut and the short description are as follows:

Menu Option Keyboard Shortcut Description
Cut Ctrl+X Removes the selected flowchart symbol and copies it into memory
Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selected flowchart symbol to the memory
Delete Del Deletes the selected flowchart symbol from the flowchart
Undo Ctrl+Z Undo or Cancel the operation. We can use this feature to cancel the operation done by mistake
Redo Ctrl+Y Redo the canceled flowchart operation


We can also access the Cut/Copy/Delete options from the context menu. Select the flowchart symbol and right-click on the symbol to access the options.


To paste the Cut/Copy flowchart symbol elsewhere, use the Clipboard feature. Click on the flowline where you want to reuse the symbol. Choose the Clipboard Paste option from the pop-up window.

Flowgorithm Tutorials

Flowgorithm flowchart tutorials on this website:

Flowgorithm Website

For more information on the Flowgorithm tool, please visit the official website at:

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