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Flowgorithm Flowchart : Reverse Number


In this tutorial, we will look at a simple Flowgorithm flowchart example. We will design a flowchart to reverse a given number. Let’s first see a sample example input and output of the flowchart.


If the user provides the following input to the flowchart : 7836

The expected output of the flowchart is : 6387


DECLARE Integer number, digit, result

SET result = 0
DISPLAY “Please enter a number = “
IINPUT number
DISPLAY “Given number = “, number
WHILE number >= 1
             SET digit = number MOD 10
             SET result = result * 10 + digit
             SET number = number / 10
DISPLAY “Reverse of the number = “, result


Flowgorithm Flowchart Example

We will prompt the user for a number. We will store this in a variable number.

Using the WHILE loop statement, inside the loop:

We will extract each digit of the given number.

number MOD 10

This will give the last digit of the number. We will store this digit in a variable digit.

For example, 1345 MOD 10 will store 5 in the digit.

We will build the reverse of the number using the variable result

number / 10

We move to the next digit by dividing the number by 10.

For example,

number = 1345 / 10  will store 134 in the variable number.


When all the digits are covered in the number variable, it will become 0. The WHILE loop terminates as the loop condition is evaluated to False.


Sample Output

Run the flowchart and verify the output of the flowchart.

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