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Flowgorithm Symbols


Flowgorithm Flowchart symbols are building blocks for the flowchart. Steps or statements in the flowchart are represented and performed by different symbols.

Symbols are also called Shapes or Statements. Each flowchart symbol has a unique Shape. The flowchart symbols translate to programming statements in the source code. The terms “Symbol” , “Shape”, and “Statement” are used interchangeably.

Flowgorithm Symbols

To add a shape to the Flowgorithm flowchart, hover the mouse on the control line and click/Right-click the mouse button.


Flowgorithm 2.0 Symbols

Flowchart symbols are classified into:


Symbol Name Purpose
The Comment symbol adds documentation to the flowchart for the readers. Comments are ignored during the flowchart execution.
Breakpoint The Breakpoint statement temporarily pauses the flowchart execution. This symbol is used while debugging the flowchart.
Input The Input Symbol reads the user input from the standard input device like keyboard and stores the data into a program variable.
Output The Output Symbol displays the data to the standard output device like the console window.
Declare The Declare symbol is used to declare the variable in the flowchart.
Assign The Assign symbol stores the value to the specified variable in the flowchart.
If The If statement control structure makes a decision and controls the flow. The if statement has a condition and  creates a branch in the flowchart. The program control takes one branch if the condition is True; the other branch if the statement is False.
Call The Call symbol is used to invoke a procedure or a function. It transfers the control to the procedure or function from the caller.
While The While loop structure is an indefinite repetition loop structure in the flowchart.
For The For loop structure is a definite repetition loop structure in the flowchart.
Do The Do Loop is an indefinite repetition loop just like the While loop. The difference is that Do loop executes the loop at least once.


Flowgorithm 3.0 Symbols

Flowgorithm 3.0 adds more symbols to support new features.

Turtle graphics – Turn / Forward / Home symbols

Files – Open / Read / Write / Close

Flowgorithm Tutorials


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