Flowgorithm Infinite Recursion
In this tutorial, we will understand Flowgorithm infinite recursion, a common mistake programmers make while designing recursive functions in flowcharts.
A recursive function is a function that invokes itself. Let’s understand it with a simple example. A simple example of infinite recursion occurs when the Main flowchart invokes itself. In this example, the flowchart will fall into infinite recursion, and the control will never reach the End symbol.
Stack Overflow
This error indicates that the Maximum Stack Size has been exceeded by the program. If the flowchart program exceeds this size in the case of an infinite recursive call, the following runtime error would be displayed: Stack Overflow
The Flowgorithm tool uses a Stack to store function activation records. An activation record is a chunk of memory that stores the function parameters, local variables, and the function return value.
Let’s take another example from the earlier post. The recursive function is RSum.
The recursive function example is from the post: Recursion In Flowgorithm Flowchart
Call Stack
To view the Call Stack, launch the Variable Watch Window and click on the ‘Show the Stack’ button. We can notice that the recursion doesn’t have a base case.
A base case is a halting case that stops the recursion. In the base case, the function returns and doesn’t call itself. In this case, the recursion doesn’t stop and results in an infinite recursion.
To fix the flowchart we need to debug and stop the recursion using the base case. In this case, when N == 1 we can make the function return sum = 1 instead of calling recursively itself which is a defect.
Flowgorithm Tutorials
Flowgorithm flowchart tutorials on this website: