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Flowgorithm Source File Format


In this tutorial, let’s understand the Flowgorithm source file format. Flowchart Programs written with Flowgorithm software are simple. The data is saved in a text file like programs written in Java, C#, etc. Flowgorithm files are saved in XML format.

What is XML?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language file format. XML is an extension of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), the basic language that is used for the generation of web pages. It is a popular data format used for data exchange between software applications. XML files are easy to read and portable to other systems.


When the user saves the flowchart with a certain name, Flowgorithm generates a file. The file generated by Flowgorithm has the .fprg extension. For example, when the user saves the flowchart with SampleFlowchart, the following file would be generated “SampleFlowchart.fprg”



As discussed, it’s not a proprietary file, that is, it is not a file that can only be read by the Flowgorithm software. Let’s try to open the file with a text editor such as Notepad. A sample Flowgorithm flowchart file opened using a text editor.



Flowgorithm Tutorials

Flowgorithm flowchart tutorials on this website:


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