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Install GNU Octave on Windows


In this tutorial, we will learn the steps to download and install GNU Octave on Windows operating system. We will use the Octave installer file to install the software.


Open a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.

Navigate to the GNU Octave download URL:

Choose the 64-bit version of the installer for modern computer architectures. Modern computers and laptops are 64-bit machines.

Download and save the 64-bit octave-<version>-w64-installer.exe file onto the computer.



Locate the installer and double-click on the file to launch the install wizard.

Click on the Yes button on the UAC prompt( User Account Control). This will launch the GNU Octave Install wizard. The setup wizard will guide you through the installation process.

Click on the Next > button to continue with the install wizard.

Read the License agreement and click on the Next > button.

We can choose to install the software for all users or for just you.

Choose Install for anyone using this computer radio button option to install the tool for all users. Anyone who uses a computer with different accounts will be able to use the software.

Check the “Create desktop shortcuts” option to create a desktop shortcut for easy access.

Check the “Register .m files file type with Octave” option to associate .m files with Octave software.

Click on the Next > button.

Choose the install location. In most cases, we can go ahead with the default install location.

To choose the destination folder click on the Browse… button and choose the install folder.

Click on the Install button to install the software. The tool install process might take a while.

Once complete click on the Finish button.

That’s it. We have successfully installed Octave software on the Windows machine.

Octave Tutorials

GNU Octave Tutorials on this website can be found at:

For more information on Octave, visit the official website:

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