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Install Protractor on Windows


In this tutorial, we will learn the steps involved to install the Protractor tool on the Windows operating system.

Protractor is an end-to-end (e-2-e) test framework. It is mostly used for testing Angular and AngularJS web applications. Protractor runs tests against the web application under test (WAUT) in a real web browser.

Protractor is a Node.js software package. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment. To install and use the tool, we need to have Node.js installed on the machine.  We can use the npm install command to install Protractor.

Steps to install Node.js on Windows operating system:

Download & Install Node.js On Windows

Install Protractor

Protractor install includes the following components:

Steps to install Protractor are as follows:

Open a Command prompt.

Issue the following command to install the tool on the machine.

\> npm install protractor

To install the tool globally, use the -g flag as shown below:

\> npm install -g protractor

Verify the Install

To verify the install, issue the following command. This command prints the protractor version onto the console window.

\> protractor –version

That’s it. We have successfully installed the tool on the Windows machine.

Official Website

More information on Protractor can be found on the official website::

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