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Introduction To HTML5

Introduction To HTML5

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. It supports various features that are required for modern websites. HTML5 is backward compatible.

HTML 5 New Features

There are several additions and new features in HTML 5 specification. Some of them are as follows:

New Elements

New elements and tags are introduced in this version. For example, <header> , <footer> , <aside>, etc

Web Forms 2.0

HTML forms have new attributes for the <input> tag.

Embed Audio & Video

Audio and Video can be easily embedded into HTML web pages.

WebSockets API

WebSocket API. Server can directly establish communication channel with the browser and communicate directly without delays.

Geolocation API

Geolocation API allows website visitor to share the current geo location position to the web server. Geo location is the geographic coordinates   which comprises of  latitude and longitude numbers.


HTML Tutorials

HTML Tutorials on this website:

More Information on HTML:


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