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Inverse Trigonometric Functions in Octave


In this tutorial, we will learn about inverse trigonometric functions available in Octave.

To know more about Trigonometric Functions in Octave:

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The inverse trigonometric functions are as follows:


Inverse Trigonometric Function
asin(x) This function is used to compute the inverse sine.
acos(x) This function is used to compute the inverse cosine.
atan(x) This function is used to compute the inverse tangent.
asec(x) This function is used to compute the inverse secant.
acsc(x) This function is used to compute the inverse cosecant.
acot(x) This function is used to compute the inverse cotangent.


The angle returned by the inverse function would be in radians.


>> asin(0.5)
ans = 0.5236
>> % Let’s convert the answer to degrees
>> ans * (180/pi)
ans = 30.000
>> % Answer is 30 degrees

Octave Tutorials

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