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Java Arithmetic Operators


Java arithmetic operators are symbols that are used in arithmetic calculations in programs. The operators are binary and require two operands to perform the calculations.

Arithmetic Operators

Java arithmetic operators are shown below:

Arithmetic Operation
Operator Symbol  Example


+ a + b
Subtraction a – b
Multiplication * a * b
Division / a / b
Modulus % a % b

Order of Precedence

The order of precedence is from top to bottom in the table. For example, the expression inside the brackets/parenthesis is evaluated first.


Arithmetic Operator
Operation Precedence
(   )


Brackets Expressions in brackets are evaluated first. Nested the innermost are evaluated first.
* / % Multiplication



The order of precedence. Left to Right.
+ – Addition


Left to Right



Let’s look at an example of Addition operator in a sample program. We will declare two variables of type int. We will sum the variables with the addition operator + . We print the result to the console.

public class ArthimeticOperatorDemo {

     public static void main(String[] args) {
          int a = 10;
          int b = 20;
          int result = a + b; // Addition operator



Common Errors

Type mismatch error

Addition operator is a binary operator. It needs two operands to perform the calculation. Both the operands should be of the same type or compatible datatypes.

int a = 10;
double b= 2.0;
double result = a + b; // int and double are compatible types for + operator

Initialized variables

Both the operands should be initialized properly.

int a = 10;
int b;
int result = a + b; // this would produce an error.

The addition statement would throw an error. The local variable b may not have been initialized.

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