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Java split() method

Java split() method

The Java split() method is used to divide a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter. This is useful when you need to break a string into parts, such as parsing data from a CSV file or processing a text based on a particular pattern

This method splits the original string against the given regular expression and returns an array of String objects, each containing a substring of the original string.

split method signatures

The signature of the split() method is given below:

public String[] split(String regex)

public String[] split(String regex, int limit)

regex: regular expression to be applied on the string.

limit: limit for the number of strings in the array. If it is zero, it will return all the strings matching regex.


Let’s understand the use of the split() method with the help of an example program.

package com.testingdocs.stringmethods;

public class ExampleProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
	    String str = "Apple,Banana,Grapes,Oranges";

	    // Split the string by commas
	    String[] fruits = str.split(",");

	    // print each fruit
	    for (String fruit : fruits) {


Program Output

The program output is as follows:






In the example, str.split(“,”) splits the string into an array of substrings using the comma , as the delimiter.

The resulting array fruits contains:

[“Apple”, “Banana”, “Grapes”, “Oranges”]

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