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MATLAB Command Window

MATLAB Command Window

The MATLAB Command window is used to execute commands, invoke MATLAB scripts and functions, view the output of commands, etc. The window has a command prompt that starts with >>



New installs would display a link ‘Getting Started‘ in the command window. Click on this link to learn more and view the Matlab documentation.

Command Prompt

We can enter commands at the command prompt to execute them. We can even invoke the scripts in the command prompt window.

For Example, to know the product of 7 and 9, we can type at the command prompt:

>> 7 * 9

ans =



Clear Command Window

To clear the command window type the ‘clc’ command.

>> clc

By default Matlab displays up to four decimals. To view more digits we can use the ‘format long’ option.

>> pi

ans =


>> format long
>> pi

ans =



MATLAB Tutorials

MATLAB Tutorials on this website can be found here:

To try MATLAB Software or to learn more about MATLAB,

MATLAB official website:

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