Octave Simple Plot Example
In this tutorial, we will go through the steps of writing a simple script to plot data using the Octave application. Let’s take a sample function.
Plot example
All the script commands should be placed in a file with .m extension. To create a script file
Editor >> File >> Save File >> <filnename>.m
Give a name to the script file and save the file.
Add the script code.
Octave Script
% TestingDocs.com Tutorials % Simple plot example y = x^2 x=linspace(1,10,10); y= x.^2; figure plot(x,y); xlabel('x') ylabel('y') title('Simple plot - www.TestingDocs.com')
linspace is a built-in function that returns a row vector with n linearly spaced elements between the specified interval parameters.
Octave Tutorials
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