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Parallel Test Execution using Karate DSL

Parallel Test Execution using Karate DSL

In this tutorial, we will run Automation Tests in parallel mode. Karate DSL has built-in parallel test execution. If the project is complex and has many Tests to run, running tests in parallel saves time.

This feature is useful during API performance testing. We can generate load on the services by launching tests with multiple threads concurrently.


In this example, we will use Junit5 to run tests. Define a class with Karate Runner. Specify the path to the feature files. For example, if the features that need to be run are in the package


We can specify the path to the Runner:

Runner.path(“classpath:com/testingdocs/karate/demo”) .parallel(3);

In this example, we have specified 3 threads. The features would run with 3 threads concurrently.

Code Listing

package com.testingdocs.karate.demo;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class MantisIssueRunner {
    void testFeaturesInParallel() {
        Results results = Runner.path("classpath:com/testingdocs/karate/demo")
        assertEquals(0, results.getFailCount(), results.getErrorMessages());


Run the tests with JUnit 5. We can see that the tests run with 3 threads concurrently. We can check the Karate Timeline test reports to check which thread has executed the features.


Karate version: 1.1.0
elapsed: 9.08 | threads: 3 | thread time: 9.04
features: 6 | skipped: 0 | efficiency: 0.33
scenarios: 6 | passed: 6 | failed: 0


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