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PHP If Statement

PHP If Statement

You can use the PHP If statement to execute code based on condition(s). This statement is also called a conditional statement or the conditional structure.  You can make decisions and execute code only when the conditions are met.


Let’s look at the simple syntax of the statement.

// PHP Statements;

The PHP code in the if block will be executed when the condition is met, i.e., evaluates to true.


Simple if statement example:


// PHP conditional statement

if ($age>=18)  {

echo " Adult.";

} else {

echo "Minor.";


Another example

<!DOCTYPE html>
PHP If Statement Demo
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>PHP If Block</title>
<h1> PHP If Block </h1>
//PHP If Block
$a = 120;
$b = 30;
if($a > $b)
//This block will execute only if a > b
echo "a= $a";echo "<br/>";
echo "b= $b";echo "<br/>";
echo "a is greater than b";
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