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Print Triangle Pattern Flowchart


In this tutorial, we will design a Flowgorithm flowchart to print a triangle pattern with the * character. The flowchart will create an output text file and print the pattern. Flowgorithm 3.0 supports File Input/Output symbols. This flowchart will print the pattern in the text file.

Print Triangle Pattern

The general steps to create the Flowgorithm flowchart are as follows:

The flowchart uses some Flowgorithm intrinsic functions for its operation. The functions used in the flowchart are as follows:



Sample Output

Save and run the flowchart. Enter the number of rows to print.

The flowchart will create a file pattern<random_number>.txt text file. Open the file to view the output of the flowchart.



That’s it. We have successfully designed a flowchart to create a file and print a triangle pattern in the file.

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