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Programming Language Paradigms

Programming Language Paradigms

In this tutorial, we will learn about different programming language paradigms. A programming language paradigm is an approach or fundamental style used to develop a software program for solving a given problem.

Some of the different programming language paradigms are as follows:

Imperative Programming

The imperative programming paradigm uses statements that change the program’s state. In this paradigm, the programmer specifies the sequence of commands to be performed on data, and the program executes these operations in order.

In imperative programming, the emphasis is on how to achieve the desired outcome rather than on the outcome itself. The programmer has control over the program’s execution, specifying the exact steps that must be taken to accomplish a task.

Imperative programs are typically structured using loops, conditional statements, and variables. Control structures such as if-else statements, loops, and subroutines are used to control the order in which statements are executed. Examples of Imperative programming languages are as follows:

Structured programming

Structured programming languages are high-level programming languages that are designed with a focus on improving the readability, maintainability, and efficiency of code. They are based on the use of control structures such as loops, conditionals, and subroutines. Examples of structured programming languages are:

Procedural Programming

The procedural programming paradigm has a main program that is divided into smaller code segments called procedures. Procedures are also called functions, routines, etc. The procedures are invoked from the main procedure using function calls or procedure calls.

Object-oriented programming

Object-oriented programming involves the creation of classes and objects that model real-world entities. It involves creating objects that encapsulate data and behavior. Examples of object-oriented programming languages are as follows:

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