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Features of Automation Testing


Some of the features of Automation testing are as follows:


Automation tests are faster in performance. They can run in parallel on multiple devices across on cloud, real devices, etc.  Manual tests are time-consuming and are slow.


Automation tests are accurate. Test scripts run the same automation logic no matter how many times we run. Manual testing is error-prone. Manual testers get bored and make mistakes during testing.




Time and Money

Automation testing saves time and money for the organization. There is a huge ROI on automation testing. The organization can reuse a successful automation framework across other projects.

Test Coverage

Automation testing increases test coverage. We can run automation tests on each build automatically or in the CI process.

No Humans

Automation tests don’t require humans to run. There are integration tools that automatically trigger automation tests for every build without human intervention.


Automation tests are repeatable. We can data drive the tests with multiple parameters.

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