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Sample Calculator User Story

Sample Calculator User Story

In this post, we will write a sample calculator user story and acceptance criteria of the user story. Steps to create a story in Jira software. User stories are recorded on cards, post-it notes etc. in an Agile scrum board. 

User Story Card

User story card defines the user/actor, goal and the business value or benefit to the user using the product i.e. Calculator. 

As a <User>
I want to <Goal/Action>
So that <Business Value/Benefit>



Sample Calculator User Story

As a Student
I want to add Mathematics and Physics marks
So that I could get Total marks

Acceptance Criteria

Given I have marks for Mathematics( 90 marks ) and Physics(79 marks )
When I Add the subject marks
Then I should get Total as 169 marks

There can be many actors for the product i.e. Calculator in this case. For example, Student, Accountant, Project Manager etc.


Create User Story in Jira Software

Steps to create a user story using Jira software is as follows:




Manual Test cases for Windows Calculator.

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