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Die roll Probability Raptor Flowchart

Die roll Probability Raptor Flowchart

In this tutorial, we will perform a Simulation of probabilities die roll using Raptor Flowchart.




Total outcomes of a die roll = 6

P(roll) = 1/6

For Example P(4) = 1/6

Raptor Flowchart

Let’s run an experiment and draw a flowchart simulating the rolling a die for n=10000 times.

P(4)=Number of times the dire rolled 4/Total number of die

= Number of times the dire rolled 4)/n

We track each experiment with iteration. We loop each experiment for the n times. The raptor flowchart for the die simulation is shown below:

The number of times the die rolled 4 is tracked with variable P0f4.

P(4) = Pof4/n



Sample Output

The console output of the flowchart is:

Simulating Die Roll..P(4)
Probability of Die Roll 4 =0.1643
Theoretical value 1/6 = 0.1667




// declare variables
int iteration = 0;
int Pof4 = 0;
int n = 10000;
int dieRoll = 0;

PRINT(“Simulating Die Roll..P(4)”);
n = 10000;
Pof4 = 0;
iteration = 1;
WHILE (iteration <= n)
dieRoll = floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
iteration = iteration + 1;
IF (dieRoll == 4)
Pof4 = Pof4 + 1;
PRINT(“Probability of Die Roll 4 =” + Pof4 / n);
PRINT(“Theoretical value 1/6 = ” + 1 / 6);


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