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SQLite CREATE VIEW Statement


The SQLite CREATE VIEW statement is used to create a view. A view is a virtual table based on the result of a SELECT query on the base table(s).


The general syntax for the SQLite CREATE VIEW statement is as follows:

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column1, column2, …
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

The table_name is the base table on which the view will be created.


Let’s say we have a table named emp, and we want to create a view that hides the employees’ salaries and employees who earn less than $ 6000. We want to display only the names and job titles in the view. Let’s create a view on the employee emp table.

sqlite> CREATE VIEW emp_view AS
…> SELECT ename, jobtitle
…> FROM emp
…> WHERE salary >= 6000;

We can use the .tables command to verify that the view was created. The view should be displayed in the list.

VIEWs in the SQLite database are read-only. You cannot execute a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement on a view.

Database views can simplify complex queries, encapsulate logic, hide data, and provide a way to reuse query definitions.

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