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Test GET API Request with Karate DSL


In this tutorial, we will test GET API Request with Karate DSL. Get Request is the simple API call to test both in manual mode and in Automation Testing.

Test GET API Request

Get request is used to retrieve information of the server side resource. The Gherkin for the Get Mantis Issue API call is shown below:

To specify the API end point:

Given url ‘<Get_API_URL_Endpoint>’

To add HTTP Header

And header Authorization = ‘<API_Token>’

To specify the HTTP GET method:

When method GET

To verify the API Response status:

Then status 200

response is the variable that is set with the Response body. This variable will be refreshed for every HTTP call with the latest Response body.

response.projects[0].name is JsonPath expression that we will discuss later. We are asserting for the Project name in the response body to decide the API test status for Pass/Fail. The test would be marked as Pass if the HTTP Status code == 200 AND Response Body contains the given Project name in the API call.

Feature Gherkin BDD Syntax

## Karate API Tool Demo
#Karate Framework Tutorials -

Feature: Get Project REST API Request
  I want to test Get Project Mantis Bug Tracker API

  Scenario: GET Project Test
    Given url 'http://localhost/mantis/api/rest/projects/1'
    And header Authorization = 'DoZSsCCiTFEx8jIm67F4mM7RWh_NLEVd'
    When method GET
    Then status 200
    Then match response.projects[0].name == 'TestingDocsProject'

Common Failure cases are

404 Not Found -> When the API endpoint is not deployed or not exposed. Invalid API URL.

401 Un authorized -> Wrong API token or missing token

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