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TestNG Factory Annotation

What is @Factory Annotation?

TestNG Factory annotation feature allows us to create tests dynamically at run-time. Factory will execute all the @Test methods in the test class using a separate instance of the test class.

We will go through a code example to explain about @Factory annotated method.

Code Listing

package com.testingdocs.testng.sample;

import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class FactoryExampleClass 
  String testdata ;
  int objectID ;
  public FactoryExampleClass(int ojectID, String testdata)
    this.objectID = ojectID ;
    this.testdata= testdata ;
   public void beforeClass(){ 
    System.out.println("This is before class of " + objectID); 
   public void testmethod(){ 
    System.out.println("This is test method, testdata is  :" + testdata); 
   public void afterClass(){ 
    System.out.println("This is after class of " +  objectID); 




Now we would write the @Factory method which runs 3 times as shown below.

package com.testingdocs.testng.sample;

import org.testng.annotations.Factory;

public class TestNGFactory 
  public static Object[] testData()
    Object[] object = new Object[3]; 
    object[0]= new FactoryExampleClass(1,"testdata1"); 
    object[1]= new FactoryExampleClass(2,"testdata2"); 
    object[2]= new FactoryExampleClass(3,"testdata3"); 
    return object; 


Run result

This is before class of 1
This is test method, testdata is  :testdata1
This is after class of 1
This is before class of 3
This is test method, testdata is  :testdata3
This is after class of 3
This is before class of 2
This is test method, testdata is  :testdata2
This is after class of 2

PASSED: testmethod
PASSED: testmethod
PASSED: testmethod

Default test
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Look how we have executed the test method multiple times run-time for different testdata . ( 3 times in the above example )

Common Problem

Common problems are exceptions in Factory methods. Any exception in the factory method would throw an exception like as shown below sample exception trace.:

The factory method class com.testingdocs.testng.sample.TestNGFactory.testData() threw an exception

We need to debug the root cause of the exception in the factory method.TestNG internal code that displays the error is as shown below:


catch (Throwable t) {
      ConstructorOrMethod com = getConstructorOrMethod();
      throw new TestNGException("The factory method "
          + com.getDeclaringClass() + "." + com.getName()
          + "() threw an exception", t);


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