User Defined Functions in Python
Let’s write a Python program with a user-defined function to calculate a year’s total and average rainfall.
Python Program
#----------------------------------------------- #Calculate total rainfall for the duration in months #----------------------------------------------- def total_rainfall(rainfall, durationInMonths): total = 0 for i in range(durationInMonths): total +=rainfall[i] return total #----------------------------------------------- #Calculate the average rainfall for a month #----------------------------------------------- def average_rainfall(rainfall, durationInMonths): return round(float(total_rainfall(rainfall, durationInMonths)/durationInMonths),3) #----------------------------------------------- # Main #----------------------------------------------- def main(): MONTHS = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jly', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] durationInMonths=12 rainfall = [] for i in range(durationInMonths): rainfall.append(float(input("Enter the rainfall for " + MONTHS[i] + " in cm:= "))) print("Total Rainfall :=" + str(total_rainfall(rainfall,durationInMonths)) + " cm") print("Average Rainfall :=" + str(average_rainfall(rainfall,durationInMonths)) + "cm") main()
Program Output
Enter the rainfall for Jan in cm:= 0
Enter the rainfall for Feb in cm:= 0
Enter the rainfall for Mar in cm:= 0
Enter the rainfall for Apr in cm:= 0
Enter the rainfall for May in cm:= 0
Enter the rainfall for Jun in cm:= 5.5
Enter the rainfall for Jly in cm:= 12.8
Enter the rainfall for Aug in cm:= 19.5
Enter the rainfall for Sep in cm:= 22.0
Enter the rainfall for Oct in cm:= 0
Enter the rainfall for Nov in cm:= 0
Enter the rainfall for Dec in cm:= 0
Total Rainfall :=59.8 cm
Average Rainfall :=4.983 cm