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Write Step Class for a JBehave Story


In this post, we will write the Step class for the Calculator JBehave story.( Writing Simple JBehave Story .  The easiest way to create the step class with a dummy skeleton is from the story itself.

Generate Steps

Right-click on the story in Project Explorer in Eclipse IDE. Go to JBehave > Generate Steps as shown in the below picture.

Complete path

Project Explorer >> JBehave Story >> Right click >> JBehave >> Generate Steps.

Writing Step Class


Write Step class for a story

package com.testingdocs.jbehave;

import org.jbehave.core.annotations.*;
import junit.framework.Assert;

public class AddSteps{
    int i,  j , result ;
public void allClear()
 i =0 ;
 j =0 ;
 result = 0 ;
@Given("numbers i and j")
public void givenNumbersToAdd()
 i= 5;
 j = 10;
@When("we add them")
public void whenWeAdd()
 result = i + j ;
@Then("verify the sum")
public void thenVerifyTheSum()
 Assert.assertEquals("Sample Assert", 15, result);
@When("we subtract i from j")
public void whenWeSubtract()
result = j - i ;
@Then("verify the difference")
public void thenVerifyTheDifference()
Assert.assertEquals("Sample Assert", 5, result);



We can check the linking of the corresponding method, by clicking on the story gherkin line. You will be landed on the method provided if there is a valid method that matches. While writing stories, if some are common across the stories/scenarios we can move them to say CommonSteps for better maintainability and readability of code.


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For more details on the JBehave framework, visit the official JBehave website at:

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