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C Language Characteristics

C Language Characteristics

In this tutorial, we will learn about the C programming language’s characteristics. C is a general-purpose, procedural-oriented programming language. The main characteristics of the C language are as follows:


The C language programs offer a high degree of portability. Portability is a characteristic of the software program to install and run on different platforms. C programs are machine-independent.


Modularity is a characteristic of the ability to break the program into smaller
modules. A module is a reusable software component that acts as a building block of the software. It may define several functions, invoke different functions, and standard library functions. A module should have a well-defined interface and format.


C is a structured programming language. Structured programming is a programming paradigm aimed to improve code quality and improve program development time. This approach makes use of code block structures and follows a top-down approach. A code block structure is a logically connected group of programming statements that are treated as a single unit.

In the top-down approach, the complex large program is broken down into smaller groups of code called functions. We can group several related functions as a module. This can be further applied to break the module into smaller manageable sub-modules.


C is a simple yet powerful language. The C language is small and relatively easy to learn when compared to C++, and Java languages.


C programs run at matching speeds to that of the same programs written using the assembly language for the machine. C is mostly used to develop system software like device drivers. C is also called a middle-level language. C is a language between low-level and high-level language. C compiler produces highly efficient code.


Extensibility is the ability to extend the existing software program by adding new features.

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