C User-Defined Functions
C User-defined functions are functions that are declared and defined by the programmer. User-defined functions consist of the following components:
- Function declaration/ Function Prototype
- Function Definition
- Function Header
- Function Body
- Function Invocation / Function Call
Let’s look at a simple user-defined function example C program. The function Sum() computes the sum of two numbers.
/** ********************************** * Program Description: * C User-Defined Functions Demo * Filename : userdefined.c * C Tutorials - www.TestingDocs.com ************************************* */ #include<stdio.h> /* Function Prototype */ int sum(int,int); int main() { /* Local variables declaration - main*/ int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; // Prompt user to enter a, b printf("Enter the number a = "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("Enter the number b = "); scanf("%d",&b); c = sum(a,b); // Function Call printf("The sum of %d , %d is = %d \n",a,b,c); return 0; } // end main /* Function Definition */ int sum(int x, int y) // Function Header { /* Local variables declaration -sum*/ int z; z = x + y; return z; } // end sum
User-Defined Function Definition
Sample Output
Enter the number a = 7
Enter the number b = 9
The sum of 7 , 9 is = 16
The flowchart illustration of the flow control between the main() function and the user-defined function sum().
C Tutorials
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