File Extension
Flowgorithm source files have *.fprg file extensions. We can edit the *.fprg source file directly with text editors.
File Format
The Flowgorithm source files have an XML( eXtensible Markup Language ) structure. XML is a standard way of encoding data for processing and exchange across applications on the Web.
If you open the .fprg file in a text or XML editor, you find the format in XML. Sample Hello World Flowchart XML file format under the hood:
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<flowgorithm fileversion=”3.2″>
<attribute name=”name” value=””/>
<attribute name=”authors” value=”TestingDocs”/>
<attribute name=”about” value=””/>
<attribute name=”saved” value=”2020-05-31 10:34:47 PM”/>
<attribute name=”created” value=”VkNjg1″/>
<attribute name=”edited” value=”Vk3OTU=”/>
<function name=”Main” type=”None” variable=””>
<comment text=”Hello World Flowchart”/>
<output expression=”"Hello, World!"” newline=”True”/>