Course Content
Testing Tools
Testing Tools
Sample Python Programs
Sample Python Programs
Selenium Python First Script
Selenium Python First Script
HTML Form elements
HTML Form elements
Handle HTML Frames
Handle HTML Frames
Handling Dropdown Lists
Handling Dropdown Lists
Selenium Action class
Selenium Action class
Python Database Programming
Python Database Programming
Selenium Python for Beginners [ 2024 ]
About Lesson

Python Debugger

The built-in Python debugger, pdb, is a powerful interactive source code debugger for Python programs. It allows you to set breakpoints, step through code, inspect variables, and evaluate expressions.

Import pdb

To debug Python code effectively, you can use the Python debugger module, pdb.

import pdb;

You can start the debugger by inserting the following line in your code where you want to start debugging:


This will pause your code execution at that point and allow you to inspect variables, step through code, and identify any issues. Python Debugger

You can use commands like s to step through the code line by line, n to move to the next line, and c to continue running the code until the next breakpoint.

To quit the debugger, use q when you’re done.