Python Help Utility
Python’s built-in help utility is one of its most important features. Python Help Utility is interactive. You can interact with the utility with a help prompt. The help system has its own prompt. You can get interactive help using the help utility.
Type help() at the Python prompt:
>>> help()
You will get the help prompt
You can get help on any module, keyword, topic, etc, using this help utility.
You can exit the help by typing the quit or q command at the help prompt, which returns you to the Python prompt. ( >>> ) To exit the help utility, type q or quit at the help prompt :
help> q
You can also get help on a particular object directly from the Python prompt. You can type “help(prompt)” to get help. For example, to get help on the list
>>> help(list)
This has the same effect as typing the following at the help prompt:
help> list