Course Content
Testing Tools
Testing Tools
Sample Python Programs
Sample Python Programs
Selenium Python First Script
Selenium Python First Script
HTML Form elements
HTML Form elements
Handle HTML Frames
Handle HTML Frames
Handling Dropdown Lists
Handling Dropdown Lists
Selenium Action class
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Python Database Programming
Python Database Programming
Selenium Python for Beginners [ 2024 ]
About Lesson

PyUnit Example

You will create and run your first PyUnit test using an IDE in this lesson. Before writing unit tests, it’s important to understand the following items.

Test fixture: A Test fixture expresses the initial conditions and process for executing the test, followed by clean-up actions.
Test case: The test case is the basic unit of testing. It specifies test conditions, actions, and expected results for a specific software application’s functionality.
Test suite: A test suite is a collection of test cases.
Test runner: A test runner is a software tool or framework that executes tests and reports the results.

Create Python Test

Let’s run a sample PyUnit test using Eclipse IDE. Follow the below steps:

Launch Eclipse IDE.

Create a new PyUnit test File >> New >> File

Give a name to the test.

The filename should have a .py extension.

For example,

Add the following code:

# Python Unit Test Example
# Python Tutorials -

import unittest

class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_example(self):
        self.assertEqual(7 + 9, 16)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Run Python Test

Save the code. Choose the following menu option to save the test.

File >> Save The keyboard shortcut is the Ctrl + S key combination.

Run the test.

Right-click on the test and choose

Run As >> Python unit-test option.  


Python unit test Run As


Test Output

The graphical output console is the PyUnit Console, which displays green or red if the test is passed or failed.

The following output should be displayed in the console:

Ran 1 test in 0.000s


This means that one test has run and passed.

The output will also display the time the test(s) took to run.  


Python Unit Test Output EclipseIDE