How to uninstall Appium on Windows
How to uninstall Appium on Windows
In this tutorial, we will learn steps to uninstall the Appium application on the Windows 10 operating system.
Steps to uninstall
Launch Control Panel App. Search for Control panel on the Search prompt.
Navigate to Programs >> Programs and Features
Choose the Appium entry to uninstall in Add/Remove programs screen.
Click on the Uninstall link for the application to remove the program.
Click on the Next button and follow the steps of the uninstall wizard. Be patient and wait for the program to uninstall.
Close the Appium application if it’s running on the computer.
Click on the Finish button to complete the uninstallation.
Verify that the application entry is removed from the Add/Remove programs screen.
Files related to the application got removed from the Program Files directory.
A clean uninstall would remove all the entries from the Taskbar, Start Menu, and etc.