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SQLite Database Tutorials

This page provides you with basic SQLite Database Tutorials and links.

SQLite is an open-source C library that provides a lightweight, disk-based database that doesn’t require a separate server process and allows access to the database using a nonstandard variant of the SQL language.

SQLite Installation

SQLite is a zero-configuration database. SQLite installation is simple, and no complex setup is required. This section will detail the SQLite install steps on the Windows operating system.

SQLite Features

SQLite is a single file, cross-platform, embedded database engine written in C. SQLite is a self-contained, zero-configuration, serverless, and transactional SQL database.

  • Self-contained – SQLite doesn’t require any external dependencies to run
  • Serverless– SQLite doesn’t require a separate process
  • Zero-configuration – SQLite doesn’t require any prior setup.
  • Multi-platform: SQLite is available on Windows, Linux, Mac OS-X, Android, and iOS.
  • Single file: A database in SQLite is a single disk file.


SQLite Multi-Platform Database

SQLite Dot Commands

Commands that start with [.] operator.

For example:

sqlite> .help

SQLite Tutorial

SQLite Data Types

SQLite Statements

SQLite Operators

Create SQLite Database


The database table stores the information in the form of rows and columns. Each row is also called a record. Each column of the record is also called a field.




SQLite INSERT Statement

INSERT statement is used to insert data into the tables.

SQLite SELECT Statement

We can retrieve data using the SELECT statement.

SQLite WHERE Clause

SQLite UPDATE Statement

SQLite DELETE Statement

DROP TABLE Statement

DROP VIEW Statement

SQLite DB Browser Tool