SQLite SELECT Statement
The SQLite SELECT statement retrieves records from a database table. This tutorial explains the syntax and provides examples of usage.
SQLite SELECT Statement
The general syntax of the database statement is as follows:
To retrieve all the columns of the table:
/> SELECT * FROM table_name;
We can specify the column names we want to retrieve in the SELECT statement.
The following syntax retrieves only the specified columns from the table.
/> SELECT column1, column2, … FROM table_name;
For example, to retrieve all the columns of the emp database table, we can use the following command:
sqlite> SELECT * FROM emp ;
empno name jobtitle salary
—– ———— ——– ——
1 John Smith SALESMAN 2500
2 Emma Johnson MANAGER 9500
sqlite> — Let’s retrieve only ename and salary columns
sqlite> SELECT ename, salary FROM emp;
ename salary
———— ——
John Smith 2500
Emma Johnson 9500
sqlite> — SQLite SELECT Statement
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