Postman GUI Interface
Postman GUI Interface
Once Postman is up and running, it’s time to familiarize yourself with its GUI interface. The user-friendly design makes it easy to find what you need.
Postman Interface
An overview of the key elements of the Postman interface are as follows
Main Toolbar: Located at the top of the Postman window, the toolbar provides quick access to important functions, such as opening new tabs, saving requests, running tests, and accessing your account settings.
Request Tab: This is the main section of Postman where you’ll compose and send HTTP requests. The request builder includes fields for entering the request URL, selecting the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), and adding headers, query parameters, or request bodies.
Collections: On the left side of the Postman window, you’ll see the Collections tab. Collections are groups of requests that you can organize and reuse. Collections help you save requests for future use and can be shared with teammates.
History: In the History tab, you can find a log of all the requests you’ve previously sent and the responses you received. This feature is helpful when you need to refer back to previous requests or quickly replicate a test.
Response Viewer: Postman displays the response in the lower part of the interface after sending a request. The response includes details such as the status code, response time, and the response body, which is usually in JSON or XML format. You can also see the response in different formats like raw text, HTML, or preview mode.
Environment and Variables: On the top-right corner of the interface, you’ll find the Environment dropdown. Environments allow you to define variables that can be used across your requests. This is useful for testing APIs in different settings (development, staging, production) without having to manually change the URLs or credentials each time.