cPanel Manage Databases
cPanel Manage Databases
MySQL Databases allow you to store information in an easy-to-access manner. Web applications require databases ( like MySQL ) to store data.
Steps to manage
To manage databases in cPanel, you can follow these steps.
Firstly, log in to your cPanel account.
Navigate to Tools >> Databases > MySQL Databases.
- MySQL Databases
- MySQL® Database Wizard
- Remote MySQL
- phpMyAdmin
MySQL® Database Wizard
Database Wizard helps you create new databases and database users and assigns users to databases. The MySQL Database Wizard screen helps with the following tasks:
- Create a database
- Create a database user
- GRANT user privileges
Enter the name and click the Next Step to create a new database.
To create a database user.
Enter username and password.
Click on the Create User button.
Add the user to the database.
Select privileges for the user. Select the ‘ALL PRIVILEGES‘ checkbox to grant all the privileges to the user.
Click on the Make Changes button to grant the privileges.
Click on the Next Step button.
Navigate to Databases > phpMyAdmin.
phpMyAdmin provides a web interface to manage MySQL databases, run queries, and perform database operations.