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Jenkins Tutorial

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate the software development process. It automates the building, testing, and deployment of applications. Jenkins is designed to automate the software project’s build, test, and deployment cycle or phases.

Get Started

Jenkins enables Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), helping software teams detect issues early, reduce manual work, and ensure a high-quality software release process.

System Requirements

Jenkins is self-contained Java-based software that requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) to run. It is a Java-based application that needs a Java Runtime Environment ( JRE ) to function correctly. The JDK provides the necessary libraries and tools to run Java applications. When setting up Jenkins, you must install the JDK on the server or machine.

The steps to install JDK are as follows:

Install Jenkins on Windows

Launch Jenkins

You can access Jenkins using a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser.

Open the web browser and navigate to the Jenkins URL:

For example, http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

You can replace localhost with the IP address or the domain name of the Jenkins server. The 8080 is the default port.


Jenkins Tutorial

Jenkins Architecture

Jenkins architecture is Master-Slave (or controller-agent) architecture designed to support distributed builds and tasks across multiple machines. The key components are as follows:

  • Jenkins Master ( Controller )
  • Jenkins Agents ( Slaves )



Jenkins Master Slave Architecture

Unlock Jenkins

After installation, Jenkins requires an initial admin password to unlock. After unlocking, you can set up an admin user with a username and password. Steps to unlock Jenkins instance are outlined here:

Jenkins Dashboard

After logging in, you’ll be redirected to the Jenkins dashboard. This is where you’ll manage all your jobs, configure Jenkins settings, and create and monitor builds.


Jenkins Dashboard

Jenkins Plugins

Jenkins is highly extensible through plugins, allowing users to add functionality for version control systems, build tools, cloud integration, notifications, etc. Learn how to manage Jenkins by Installing Plugins and Configuring Jenkins CI Tool.


Jenkins Cloud Plugins

Build Jobs

Jenkins Build Job is a task or a build process that includes compiling code, running tests, and deploying applications.


Jenkins supports complex workflows through Pipelines. Pipelines define a series of steps for automated tasks. Pipelines can be configured as code using the Jenkinsfile.

Maven Project

Building a Maven Project Using Jenkins Tool. Running Calculator Tests in Jenkins CI