Install Jenkins Plugins
In this post, we will learn about Jenkins Plugins. We can install Jenkins Plugins from the plugin page. Plugins enhance the functionality of Jenkins. There are many plugins that we can use in Jenkins for a project.
Jenkins plugin system can enable a wide range of features including. There are many plugins if you click on Manage Plugins.
Install Jenkins plugins
To install plugins, perform these steps:
Launch Jenkins Dashboard
Click on Manage Jenkins.
In the manage page, click on Manage Plugins
You can search the plugin name and click Install button.
Plugin page
On this page you have several tabs like Updates, Available, Installed etc.
Updates tab you can update the plugin to a newer version.
Install plugin from the Available tab. The plugin that are not installed on your Jenkins instance show up here.
Installed from this tab you can uninstall a plugin, if you think that you don’t need in the project. Some plugins that have dependencies cannot be uninstalled until you clear the dependent plugins.
Other approaches
Another approach to install plugin is to use the Jenkins CLI tool. Also, plugin can be installed by directly uploading a .hpi file.
Jenkins Tutorials on this website can be found at:
For more details on the Jenkins CI, visit the official website at: